Everyone loves Nora Ephron, right? Especially her divine recipes. Especially her clever movies. Especially her joie de vivre.
This quick and easy to read paper is a sweeping mini-bio of Nora that slides gracefully into her last six years on this earth, when no one knew what was in store for her.
As Frank Rich wrote in New York Magazine“What doesn’t matter is whether we got to say good-bye or not. What does matter is that she was here for those she loved and those who loved her, and that now, while we were napping, she has gone.”
Witty and clever Nora…a powerful writer bringing joy to all her readers
A treat is in store for her fans.
Exit Laughing…Nora Ephron’s dramatic departure…and when we looked the other way, she left the room…
Nora is still with us…her humor and joie de vivre living on!